Grid game setup

Now we’re going to set up a GUI project for real.

Go to your Github repo

Go to your Github repo and click the green Code button

Open Codespace tab

From there click the “Codespaces” tab.

Make a new Codespace

If you see something like this, click the big green button. Otherwise see the next slide.

If you don’t see that

If you’ve already created codespaces you won’t see the “Create codespace on main” button. In that case click the + icon.


It will take a while to start up. Like several minutes.

Open a terminal

Once everything opens up, in the file explorer find the file start-project and right click on it and choose “Open in Integrated Terminal”.

Run start-project

In the terminal type:

./start-project grid-game

and hit return.

This will create a folder named grid-game under the projects folder and also populate it with the starter code.


Browse under projects/grid-game in the file explorer and then click on to open that file in an editor.

Run the code

Click the play button at the top of the page.

Click “Ports”

Open port in browser

Find the line that starts with 6080 and over over the “Forwarded Address” column. Some icons should appear. Click the globe.

Connect to noVNC

In the new browser tab click the Connect button.

Switch to desktop tab

Assuming you don’t get any error, switch back to the other tab and you should see a simple GUI.