An “embedded” RDBMS. Runs in the same process as your program, not as a separate server.
Fast and small.
./start-project sqlite
cd projects/sqlite
sqlite3 db.db
This creates a file called db.db which contains your database. It starts out empty.
For instance
sqlite> create table pets (name, type, weight);
sqlite> insert into pets values ("Fido", "dog", 35);
sqlite> insert into pets values ("Fluffy", "Cat", 12);
sqlite> select * from pets;
TSV = Tab-separated values
CSV = Comma-separated values
I usually make schema.sql
DDL. Then:
sqlite3 db.db < schema.sql
If doing something repeatedly gives you the same result as doing it once, it’s idempotent.
In schema.sql
you may want to write your create table like this:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS pets (name, type, weight);
That way you can reload schema.sql
and not get errors and not wipe out existing tables.