What is HTML?

Hyper Text Markup Language

Hyper text

“hyper” meaning “above” or “beyond”

Beyond a single text, it is text with the ability to link to other texts.

Markup language

A language, but not quite a programming language


  • What your web browser understands.

  • A human-readable, text-based, markup language.

  • Originally designed primarily for sharing technical documentation

  • Separates structure of documents from their presentation.

A trivial HTML document

      hello, world!

Looks like this in the browser

Two main components

  • Text

  • Elements


The text that will actually be visible on the web page.

In the previous page, there were two bits of text:

  • Hello which shows up in the name of the browser tab

  • hello, world! which is the actual content of the page.


Elements define the structure of the page and affect how it is displayed.

They are enclosed in tags.


Tags are written like <p>. Tags are made up of:

  • A less than sign, called an “open angle bracket” in this context.

  • The name of the tag, p in this case

  • And a greater than sign, called a “close angle bracket”.

Tags themselves are matched

For (almost) every <tag>, called an open tag, there needs to be a matching close tag that looks like </tag>, where tag stands for any tag name.

Back to our HTML document.

      hello, world!

How many elements are there?

Five: html, head, title, body, and p.

Notice how elements are nested

The p element is fully enclosed in the body element which is one of two elements enclosed in the html element.

      hello, world!

HTML is also multi media

  • Can include images, video, etc.

  • Virtually everything you see on the web is HTML.

  • For instance, these slides.

  • And the class website.


  • element - A part of the structure of an HTML page.

  • tags - Markers around HTML elements.

  • text - Visible content of most elements.

  • open tag - Marks the start of an element, e.g. <p>

  • close tag - Marks the end of the element, e.g. </p>

  • angle brackets - What we call < and > when using them in tags.


HTML basics

Yesterday Today
  • Opened Codespace

  • Re-ran the project

  • Committed a change to git and published to Github

  • Found change on Github

  • Reopen Codespace

  • Re-run the project

  • Make some actual interesting changes to the HTML

  • Commit and sync your changes

  • Make sure the changes are on Github