
Paying attention when someone is teaching

It’s more than just not talking.

Actively try to understand what is being said.

Beyond that, actively try to understand why it is being said.

Ask questions if you are confused.

Working on problems

It’s fine to get help from me or from your friends.

However, you are responsible for making sure you actually understand.

If you can’t do the problems on your own, you are not really done with them.

Familiarity is the lowest bar of understanding

You can look at code (or your textbook in another class) and say, “This is all familiar to me.”

That is not a good indication that you actually know the material.

The test is can you produce answers based on your knowledge.

In this class that means writing code.

Knowledge requires repetition

There’s a reason I encourage you to do problems sets over again until they are easy.

If you can’t easily do problems you’ve seen before, what are the odds you’re going to be able to solve problems you haven’t seen before?