Values and types

Q27: What is the type of the expression 3?

96% correct

Correct: Number

Incorrect: not answered

Q23: What is the value of the expression 5 - 2?

93% correct

Correct: 3

Incorrect: Number

Q11: What is the type of the expression 5 - 2?

89% correct

Correct: Number

Incorrect: 3, String

Q14: What is the type of the expression true || false?

89% correct

Correct: Boolean

Incorrect: String, "foobar"

Q12: What is the value of the expression true?

86% correct

Correct: true

Incorrect: Boolean, "foobar"

Q16: What is the value of the expression !false?

86% correct

Correct: true

Incorrect: Boolean, String

Q24: What is the type of the expression true?

82% correct

Correct: Boolean

Incorrect: "foobar", true

Q30: What is the type of the expression !false?

82% correct

Correct: Boolean

Incorrect: 3, true

Q7: What is the value of the expression 3?

82% correct

Correct: 3

Incorrect: Number

Q20: What is the type of the expression s.slice(0, 3)?

79% correct

Correct: String

Incorrect: 3, Boolean, Number, "foo"

Q2: What is the type of the expression s?

75% correct

Correct: String

Incorrect: Boolean, Number, "s"

Q3: What is the value of the expression "foobar"?

75% correct

Correct: "foobar"

Incorrect: 3, Number, String, true

Q4: What is the type of the expression "foobar"?

75% correct

Correct: String

Incorrect: Boolean

Q15: What is the type of the expression s[s.indexOf("ar")]?

68% correct

Correct: String

Incorrect: Boolean, Number, "ar"

Q9: What is the type of the expression s.slice(3, s.length)?

68% correct

Correct: String

Incorrect: Boolean, Number, "bar", "foo"

Q1: What is the value of the expression s?

64% correct

Correct: "foobar"

Incorrect: 6, String, "s"

Q32: What is the value of the expression s.length?

61% correct

Correct: 6

Incorrect: 1, 5, String

Q6: What is the value of the expression true || false?

57% correct

Correct: true

Incorrect: Boolean, String, "foobar"

Q19: What is the value of the expression s.slice(3)?

54% correct

Correct: "bar"

Incorrect: 3, Number, "foo"

Q29: What is the value of the expression s.slice(0, 3)?

54% correct

Correct: "foo"

Incorrect: 0, 3, Boolean, Number, String, "bar"

Q25: What is the value of the expression s.slice(3, s.length)?

50% correct

Correct: "bar"

Incorrect: 0, 6, String, "foo", true

Q5: What is the type of the expression s.slice(3)?

50% correct

Correct: String

Incorrect: 3, Boolean, Number, "bar", "foo"

Q31: What is the value of the expression s.indexOf("bar")?

39% correct

Correct: 3

Incorrect: String, "b", "bar"

Q17: What is the value of the expression s.indexOf("ar") - 1?

36% correct

Correct: 3

Incorrect: 4, 5, Number, String, "ar", "ba"

Q22: What is the value of the expression s.indexOf("b")?

29% correct

Correct: 3

Incorrect: "b", "bar", true

Q18: What is the type of the expression s.length?

18% correct

Correct: Number

Incorrect: String, "foo"

Q21: What is the type of the expression s.indexOf("bar")?

18% correct

Correct: Number

Incorrect: String, "b", "bar"

Q26: What is the type of the expression s.indexOf("ar") - 1?

18% correct

Correct: Number

Incorrect: 3, Boolean, String, "ar", "ba"

Q28: What is the type of the expression s.indexOf("b")?

18% correct

Correct: Number

Incorrect: , String, b, bar, true

Q8: What is the type of the expression "s".length?

18% correct

Correct: Number

Incorrect: 1, Boolean, String, false, "foobar", "s"

Q10: What is the value of the expression s[s.indexOf("ar")]?

4% correct

Correct: "a"

Incorrect: 4, Boolean, "ar"

Q13: What is the value of the expression "s".length?

4% correct

Correct: 1

Incorrect: 6, Number, String, false, "foobar", "s"